- Change the case of text

- Change the case of text

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Microsoft office excel 2007 change case free. Change the case of text 


- How to change case of text in Excel?


Functions are just built-in formulas that are designed to accomplish specific tasks—in this case, converting text case. In the example below, the PROPER function microsofy used to convert the uppercase names in column A to proper case, which capitalizes only the first letter in each name.

First, insert a temporary column next to the column that contains the text you want to convert. This formula converts the name in cell A2 from uppercase to proper case. Now, fill down the formula in the new column. The quickest way to do this is microsoft office excel 2007 change case free selecting cell B2, and then double-clicking the small black square that appears in the lower-right corner of the cell.

Tip: If your data is in an Excel table, a calculated column is automatically created with values filled down for you when you enter the formula. At this point, the values in the new column B should be selected. Right-click cell A2, microsoft office excel 2007 change case free Pastecae then click Values. You can always ask an expert in the Excel Tech Community or /12783.txt support in the Answers community.

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